Sunday 2 December 2012

deep ocean

Deep Ocean

shallow from above,
but deep from below....
always calm and in peace,
like it is ceased.
As blue as sky,
Sometimes disturbed by tempests and tides.
mother of rain....
bed full of sand,
and surface with many islands.
home of many...
from bacteria to whale..
full of histories,
accompanied by mysteries...
Of pirates & treasure,
Of ghosts and monsters..
Of dissapearance & aliens.
shines brightly in sun,
and in moon like silver.
this time it's very cold that you'll shiver
from time of Sindbad to life of pi.....
the ocean is be respected ....
Now don't ask WHY ??????

Saturday 24 November 2012

Oh ! Its winter….

Oh !  Its winter….

Nights are longer and colder;
And days are shorter.
At dusk streets are overflown;
But at dawn they are alone.
Everyone falls in mighty hands of sleep;
Failing the alarm’s beep…..
I think its winter …
Oh!! Yes its winter…
Everyone is spotted with sweater & shawls;
There is good sell of such things in market & malls.
People use hot water & heater;
To defeat the coldness of winter.
Everything seem OK inside your blanket.
But there is a group of people in the streets;
With no home and warm clothes to live.
Winter for them is like hell…
They have many problems to tell;
But no one is to listen
That’s why I regret its winter……

Thursday 20 September 2012

Darker side

Everything has a darker side
You may not see that side
They may appear you very right
Bcoz you only see the side which is bright.
But inside them may last an evil
This may ruin your life.
It is more dangerous then beehives.
So friends always see both the sides.
To be on safer side….

old accuaintance

My past memories freshed when I saw a fellow,
He said me Hello!!!!!
Joy filled over my heart,
He was once my life’s part.
He was like pearl in this vast sea,
He was filled with joy too after seeing me…
I first met him in jail, when I was in sorrow
He consolidated me by saying there will be a better tomorrow
We both were innocent
There was nothing to repent.
He was 24355 & I was 24356
He was my Old Acquaintance
He was a handsome man in his young days
But now what to say
He has gone so pale after spending too much time in jail.
Few days ago he has got his bail .
He glanced upon me & cried
Not to cry I tried.
We talked well.
It was like finding happy memories in this earthly hell.
I enjoyed his company
His voice for me was like honey
Soon the time drained
Soon there was time of arrival of his train
He said me bye
I wanted to cry
But with a smile said bye
Hope that soon again I will again say hi
Although we live within a large distance
But I will never forget my Old Acquaintance..

Akshat Choubey